What happened to the art of conversation? Real, true conversation. To being completely open and honest with a person, to verbalizing all that you're feeling, even if that means allowing yourself to be vulnerable? What is everyone so scared of these days? Why are we so scared of being deep, so scared of being "politically incorrect," so scared that we might offend another by simply being honest, so we resort to superficial, insignificant chatter? And from the other side, why are we so ready to jump on someone if they so much as say a single word that rubs us the wrong way? Why can't we just give them the chance to get what they need to get out, and then take things from there? Why are we so scared of honesty?
Because we are well aware of the fact that honesty, that the truth is not always appealing. We are so comfortable with things always being sugar-coated; we don't know how to deal with the hard stuff, the real stuff. And that is our short-coming. We fear things that shouldn't be feared, things that could be building us up, bringing us closer, as opposed to tearing us apart. But we're too scared to let that happen. Because that would mean bringing down our defenses and being vulnerable. And God forbid that ever happens.
I hope that one day we will grow out of this need for comfortability and learn to be real with one another. Maybe then we'll finally start getting somewhere.