Humanity pt. III

People are killed for money, power, and just the hell of it. Children are battered and abused and betrayed by the very ones that are meant to protect them. Young girls are sold because there are men who are willing to pay for them. The color of one's skin still determines how they are treated and what opportunities they are given. Society always finds someone to discriminate against. Comedians find rape jokes amusing and the audience finds them entertaining. Girls are taught from the youngest age that they are not good enough. Animals are tortured for amusement. Money is the highest being to be worshiped. Women are told they are not accomplished until they become a wife and a mother. Politicians care more about winning elections than making a change. The Earth is being destroyed. One in three women are sexually abused because society teaches "don't get raped" instead of "don't rape." Arrogance, greed, lust for money and power, pride, self-love, vanity prevail.

There is no hope.

Humanity pt. II

Humanity is disgusting. We think ourselves to be so civilized and advanced and intelligent but we are none of the above; we are barbaric and hateful and stupid, and apparently doomed to continually repeating the mistakes of our past. (If you are not on a similar level of despair, watch the movie Crash. By the time it's over, the only thing you will want to do is weep for the human race.)

I have a decent life. I'm fortunate enough to have a home to live in (a fairly nice one, at that), food to eat (such an abundance that I have the luxury of being picky and choosy), am able to get an education at an institution of my choosing (and study whatever "pointless" things I so choose) -- the list could go on. I have what I need, and much of what I want, but then I get to thinking too much, and I become filled with despair and frustration and indignation. Because when I look just past my immediate, rosy little bubble, I see the reality of the world: sex trafficking, rape, child abuse, racism, sexism, domestic violence, murder, homophobia, religious bigotry -- violent destruction with no end in sight.

The people of this world have been beaten and battered and abused, and the Earth along with them. Not only can we not take care of and protect each other, we can't even take care of this planet that sustains us. If we have made any progress as a species, it is minuscule.

Humanity is disgusting.


Humanity is disgusting. People are bigoted, destructive, asinine fools. I hate everything.