We've all heard the saying "count your blessings," but I feel that many don't really consider it. It's one thing to just say it, but another to actually dwell on how many blessings you have in your life. I've just recently started making a little list on a note card at the end of the day of the things that I am thankful for from that day, and it's really helped put my life in a better perspective. We bitch and moan and complain about how this is wrong and how that needs to change, but when it really comes down to it...is your life really that bad? Do you really have that much to complain about? Or are you just being a little self-centered and need a reality check. I'm not saying that the problems we face in our lives are not hard to get through, but it's all about finding the silver lining. In the midst of all the toil and trouble, we need to look for the things that make it all manageable, the things - and especially the people - that make our burdens just a little bit lighter (or at least distract us from them). And give thanks for them. And never hesitate to tell them just how much they mean to you. Once this becomes habit, you will surely find life at least a little bit easier.
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