
Everybody is searching for something to believe in, something to live for, and there seems to be a general consensus of what we're all trying to reach: happiness. Money, relationships, education - all worthless if when you're in bed at night, on the brink of sleep, and you're miserable.

Happiness. An abstract idea, but more so a destination; a destination that can be reached through many routes. My happiness will be different than yours, but if they happen to at some point intertwine - that's wonderful. That's wonderful and magical and beautiful. And if not, so be it. But that's not to say that we still can't walk side by side and share our lives.

Happiness. To succeed in making it a constant state of being would truly be a great accomplishment. But in the meantime, search for the little things. The little, everyday things that make your heart smile.

Get a puppy. Drink more coffee, drink more tea. Read a marvelous book. Watch your favorite movie. Write a little. Sing a lot. Give a pretty girl a flower. Give a cute boy a kiss. Go on a hike. Swing dance. Savor the sun on your skin, the wind in your hair, and welcome the rain when it falls. Ride a bike. Eat something new. Find your faith. Love yourself - your mind, your body, your soul. Stop finding fault where there is none, and change your perspective. Run. Find your passion and envelop yourself in it. Connect with a friend on a deeper level. Go someplace new. Love and let yourself be loved. Just live. Live and keep living; you're bound to find something that brings you joy.

But in your search, do not become selfish. Do not become self-absorbed and self-centered. Remember that sometimes you have to sacrifice a part of your happiness, a part of your sanity, a part of yourself for the ones that you love, to help them find a piece of their happiness. And in time, they'll do the same for you. Love and let yourself be loved.

Happiness. A daily and life-long goal for each of us.

Best of luck to you.

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